Diagnosen nach ICD-10 und DSM-IV
Die Diagnosen sind aufsteigend nach Diagnoseschlüssel sortiert.
Die Diagnosen nach der International Classification of Deseases / Chapter V der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) sind in deutsch, die nach dem Diagnostical and Statistical Manual der Amerikanischen Psychologen-Vereinigung (APA) in englisch.
383 Datensätze gefunden!
Code | Beschreibung | Klassifikation |
F00-F09 | Organische, einschließlich symptomatischer psychischer Störungen | ICD-10 |
F10-F19 | Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen durch psychotrope Substanzen | ICD-10 |
F20-F29 | Schizophrenie, schizotype und wahnhafte Störungen | ICD-10 |
F30-F39 | Affektive Störungen | ICD-10 |
F40-F48 | Neurotische, Belastungs- und somatoforme Störungen | ICD-10 |
F50-F59 | Verhaltensauffälligkeiten mit körperlichen Störungen und Faktoren | ICD-10 |
F60-F69 | Persönlichkeits- und Verhaltensstörungen | ICD-10 |
F70-F79 | Intelligenzminderung | ICD-10 |
F80-F89 | Entwicklungsstörungen | ICD-10 |
F90-F98 | Verhaltens- und emotionale Störungen mit Beginn in der Kindheit und Jugend | ICD-10 |
F99-F99 | Nicht näher bezeichnete psychische Störungen | ICD-10 |
F00 | Demenz bei Alzheimer-Krankheit | ICD-10 |
F01 | Vaskuläre Demenz | ICD-10 |
F02 | Demenz bei anderenorts klassifizierten Krankheiten | ICD-10 |
F03 | Nicht näher bezeichnete Demenz | ICD-10 |
F04 | Organisches amnestisches Syndrom, nicht durch Alkohol oder andere psychotrope Substanzen bedingt | ICD-10 |
F05 | Delir, nicht durch Alkohol oder andere psychotrope Substanzen bedingt | ICD-10 |
F06 | Andere psychische Störungen aufgrund einer Schädigung oder Funktionsstörung des Gehirns oder einer körperlichen Krankheit | ICD-10 |
F07 | Persönlichkeits- und Verhaltensstörung aufgrund einer Krankheit, Schädigung oder Funktionsstörung des Gehirns | ICD-10 |
F09 | Nicht näher bezeichnete organische oder symptomatische psychische Störung | ICD-10 |
F10 | Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen durch Alkohol | ICD-10 |
F11 | Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen durch Opioide | ICD-10 |
F12 | Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen durch Cannabinoide | ICD-10 |
F13 | Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen durch Sedativa oder Hypnotika | ICD-10 |
F14 | Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen durch Kokain | ICD-10 |
F15 | Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen durch andere Stimulanzien, einschließlich Koffein | ICD-10 |
F16 | Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen durch Halluzinogene | ICD-10 |
F17 | Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen durch Tabak | ICD-10 |
F18 | Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen durch flüchtige Lösungsmittel | ICD-10 |
F19 | Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen durch multiplen Substanzgebrauch und Konsum anderer psychotroper Substanzen | ICD-10 |
F1x.0 | Akute Intoxikation [akuter Rausch] | ICD-10 |
F1x.1 | Schädlicher Gebrauch | ICD-10 |
F1x.2 | Abhängigkeitssyndrom | ICD-10 |
F1x.3 | Entzugssyndrom | ICD-10 |
F1x.4 | Entzugssyndrom mit Delir | ICD-10 |
F1x.5 | Psychotische Störung | ICD-10 |
F1x.6 | Amnestisches Syndrom | ICD-10 |
F1x.7 | Restzustand und verzögert auftretende psychotische Störung | ICD-10 |
F1x.8 | Sonstige psychische und Verhaltensstörungen | ICD-10 |
F1x.9 | Nicht näher bezeichnete psychische und Verhaltensstörung | ICD-10 |
F20 | Schizophrenie | ICD-10 |
F21 | Schizotype Störung | ICD-10 |
F22 | Anhaltende wahnhafte Störungen | ICD-10 |
F23 | Akute vorübergehende psychotische Störungen | ICD-10 |
F24 | Induzierte wahnhafte Störung | ICD-10 |
F25 | Schizoaffektive Störungen | ICD-10 |
F28 | Sonstige nichtorganische psychotische Störungen | ICD-10 |
F29 | Nicht näher bezeichnete nichtorganische Psychose | ICD-10 |
F30 | Manische Episode | ICD-10 |
F31 | Bipolare affektive Störung | ICD-10 |
F32 | Depressive Episode | ICD-10 |
F33 | Rezidivierende depressive Störung | ICD-10 |
F34 | Anhaltende affektive Störungen | ICD-10 |
F38 | Andere affektive Störungen | ICD-10 |
F39 | Nicht näher bezeichnete affektive Störung | ICD-10 |
F40 | Phobische Störungen | ICD-10 |
F41 | Andere Angststörungen | ICD-10 |
F42 | Zwangsstörung | ICD-10 |
F43 | Reaktionen auf schwere Belastungen und Anpassungsstörungen | ICD-10 |
F44 | Dissoziative Störungen [Konversionsstörungen] | ICD-10 |
F45 | Somatoforme Störungen | ICD-10 |
F48 | Andere neurotische Störungen | ICD-10 |
F50 | Essstörungen | ICD-10 |
F51 | Nichtorganische Schlafstörungen | ICD-10 |
F52 | Sexuelle Funktionsstörungen, nicht verursacht durch eine organische Störung oder Krankheit | ICD-10 |
F53 | Psychische oder Verhaltensstörungen im Wochenbett, anderenorts nicht klassifiziert | ICD-10 |
F54 | Psychologische Faktoren oder Verhaltensfaktoren bei anderenorts klassifizierten Krankheiten | ICD-10 |
F55 | Missbrauch von nichtabhängigkeitserzeugenden Substanzen | ICD-10 |
F59 | Nicht näher bezeichnete Verhaltensauffälligkeiten bei körperlichen Störungen und Faktoren | ICD-10 |
F60 | Spezifische Persönlichkeitsstörungen | ICD-10 |
F61 | Kombinierte und andere Persönlichkeitsstörungen | ICD-10 |
F62 | Andauernde Persönlichkeitsänderungen, nicht Folge einer Schädigung oder Krankheit des Gehirns | ICD-10 |
F63 | Abnorme Gewohnheiten und Störungen der Impulskontrolle | ICD-10 |
F64 | Störungen der Geschlechtsidentität | ICD-10 |
F65 | Störungen der Sexualpräferenz | ICD-10 |
F66 | Psychische und Verhaltensstörungen in Verbindung mit der sexuellen Entwicklung und Orientierung | ICD-10 |
F68 | Andere Persönlichkeits- und Verhaltensstörungen | ICD-10 |
F69 | Nicht näher bezeichnete Persönlichkeits- und Verhaltensstörung | ICD-10 |
F70 | Leichte Intelligenzminderung | ICD-10 |
F71 | Mittelgradige Intelligenzminderung | ICD-10 |
F72 | Schwere Intelligenzminderung | ICD-10 |
F73 | Schwerste Intelligenzminderung | ICD-10 |
F78 | Andere Intelligenzminderung | ICD-10 |
F79 | Nicht näher bezeichnete Intelligenzminderung | ICD-10 |
F80 | Umschriebene Entwicklungsstörungen des Sprechens und der Sprache | ICD-10 |
F81 | Umschriebene Entwicklungsstörungen schulischer Fertigkeiten | ICD-10 |
F82 | Umschriebene Entwicklungsstörung der motorischen Funktionen | ICD-10 |
F83 | Kombinierte umschriebene Entwicklungsstörungen | ICD-10 |
F84 | Tief greifende Entwicklungsstörungen | ICD-10 |
F88 | Andere Entwicklungsstörungen | ICD-10 |
F89 | Nicht näher bezeichnete Entwicklungsstörung | ICD-10 |
F90 | Hyperkinetische Störungen | ICD-10 |
F91 | Störungen des Sozialverhaltens | ICD-10 |
F92 | Kombinierte Störung des Sozialverhaltens und der Emotionen | ICD-10 |
F93 | Emotionale Störungen des Kindesalters | ICD-10 |
F94 | Störungen sozialer Funktionen mit Beginn in der Kindheit und Jugend | ICD-10 |
F95 | Ticstörungen | ICD-10 |
F98 | Andere Verhaltens- und emotionale Störungen mit Beginn in der Kindheit und Jugend | ICD-10 |
F99 | Nicht näher bezeichnete psychische Störungen | ICD-10 |
290.0 | Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Late Onset, Uncomplicated | DSM-IV |
290.10 | Dementia due to Pick's Disease | DSM-IV |
290.10 | Dementia due to Creutzfeld-Jacob disease | DSM-IV |
290.10 | Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Early Onset, Uncomplicated | DSM-IV |
290.11 | Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Early Onset, With Delirium | DSM-IV |
290.12 | Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Early Onset, With Delusions | DSM-IV |
290.13 | Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Early Onset, With Depressed Mood | DSM-IV |
290.20 | Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Late Onset, With Delusions | DSM-IV |
290.21 | Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Late Onset, With Depressed Mood | DSM-IV |
290.3 | Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Late Onset, With Delirium | DSM-IV |
290.40 | Vascular Dementia, Uncomplicated | DSM-IV |
290.41 | Vascular Dementia, With Delirium | DSM-IV |
290.42 | Vascular Dementia, With Delusions | DSM-IV |
290.43 | Vascular Dementia, With Depressed Mood | DSM-IV |
291.0 | Alcohol Intoxication Delirium | DSM-IV |
291.0 | Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium | DSM-IV |
291.1 | Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder | DSM-IV |
291.2 | Alcohol-Induced Persisting Dementia | DSM-IV |
291.3 | Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder With Hallucinations | DSM-IV |
291.5 | Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder With Delusions | DSM-IV |
291.8 | Alcohol Withdrawal | DSM-IV |
291.8 | Alcohol-Induced Mood Disorder | DSM-IV |
291.8 | Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorder | DSM-IV |
291.8 | Alcohol-Induced Sleep Disorder | DSM-IV |
291.8 | Alcohol-Induced Sexual Dysfunction | DSM-IV |
291.9 | Alcohol-Related Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
292.0 | Substance [Amphetamine, Cocaine, Nicotine, Opioid, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)] Withdrawal | DSM-IV |
292.11 | Substance [Amphetamine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Opioid, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions | DSM-IV |
292.12 | Substance [Amphetamine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Opioid, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations | DSM-IV |
292.81 | Substance [Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)] Withdrawal Delirium | DSM-IV |
292.81 | Substance [Amphetamine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Opioid, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)] Intoxication Delirium | DSM-IV |
292.82 | Substance [Inhalant, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Persisting Dementia | DSM-IV |
292.83 | Substance [Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder | DSM-IV |
292.84 | Substance [Amphetamine, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Opioid, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Mood Disorder | DSM-IV |
292.89 | Substance [Amphetamine, Caffeine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Anxiety Disorder | DSM-IV |
292.89 | Substance [Amphetamine, Caffeine, Cocaine, Opioid, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Sleep Disorder | DSM-IV |
292.89 | Substance [Amphetamine, Cocaine, Opioid, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Induced Sexual Dysfunction | DSM-IV |
292.89 | Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks) | DSM-IV |
292.89 | Substance [Amphetamine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Opioid, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)] Intoxication | DSM-IV |
292.9 | Substance [Amphetamine, Caffeine, Cannabis, Cocaine, Hallucinogen, Inhalant, Nicotine, Opioid, Phencyclidine, Sedative*, Other (or Unknown)]-Related Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
293.0 | Delirium Due to General Medical Condition | DSM-IV |
293.81 | Psychotic Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], With Delusions | DSM-IV |
293.82 | Psychotic Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], With Hallucinations | DSM-IV |
293.83 | Mood Disorder Due to General Medical Condition | DSM-IV |
293.89 | Anxiety Disorder Due to General Medical Condition | DSM-IV |
293.89 | Catatonic Disorder Due to General Medical Condition | DSM-IV |
293.9 | Mental Disorder due to General Medical Condition | DSM-IV |
294.0 | Amnestic Disorder Due to General Medical Condition | DSM-IV |
294.1 | Dementia Due to Parkinson's Disease | DSM-IV |
294.1 | Dementia Due to Head Trauma | DSM-IV |
294.1 | Dementia Due to Huntington's Disease | DSM-IV |
294.1 | Dementia Due to [Other General Medical Condition] | DSM-IV |
294.8 | Dementia NOS or Amnestic Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
294.9 | Dementia Due to HIV Disease | DSM-IV |
294.9 | Cognitive Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
295.10 | Schizophrenia, Disorganized Type | DSM-IV |
295.20 | Schizophrenia, Catatonic Type | DSM-IV |
295.30 | Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type | DSM-IV |
295.40 | Schizophreniform Disorder | DSM-IV |
295.60 | Schizophrenia, Residual Type | DSM-IV |
295.70 | Schizoaffective Disorder | DSM-IV |
295.90 | Schizophrenia Undifferentiated Type | DSM-IV |
296.0x | Bipolar I Disorder Single Manic Episode | DSM-IV |
296.2x | Major Depressive Disorder Single Episode | DSM-IV |
296.3x | Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent | DSM-IV |
296.40 | Bipolar I Disorder Most Recent Episode Hypomanic | DSM-IV |
296.4x | Bipolar I Disorder Most Recent Episode Manic | DSM-IV |
296.5x | Bipolar I Disorder Most Recent Episode Depressed | DSM-IV |
296.6x | Bipolar I Disorder Most Recent Episode Mixed | DSM-IV |
296.7 | Bipolar I Disorder, Most recent episode Unspecified | DSM-IV |
296.80 | Bipolar Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
296.89 | Bipolar II Disorder | DSM-IV |
296.90 | Mood Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
297.1 | Delusional Disorder | DSM-IV |
297.3 | Shared Psychotic Disorder | DSM-IV |
298.8 | Brief Psychotic Disorder | DSM-IV |
298.9 | Psychotic Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
299.00 | Autistic Disorder | DSM-IV |
299.10 | Childhood Disintegrative Disorder | DSM-IV |
299.80 | Rett's Disorder | DSM-IV |
299.80 | Asperger's Disorder | DSM-IV |
299.80 | Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
300.00 | Anxiety Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
300.01 | Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia | DSM-IV |
300.02 | Generalized Anxiety Disorder | DSM-IV |
300.11 | Conversion Disorder | DSM-IV |
300.12 | Dissociative Amnesia | DSM-IV |
300.13 | Dissociative Fugue | DSM-IV |
300.14 | Dissociative Identity Disorder | DSM-IV |
300.15 | Dissociative Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
300.16 | Factitious Disorder With Predominantly Psychological Signs and Symptoms | DSM-IV |
300.19 | Factitious Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
300.19 | Factitious Disorder With Combined Psychological and Physical Signs and Symptoms | DSM-IV |
300.19 | Factitious Disorder With Predominantly Physical Signs and Symptoms | DSM-IV |
300.21 | Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia | DSM-IV |
300.22 | Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder | DSM-IV |
300.23 | Social Phobia | DSM-IV |
300.29 | Specific Phobia | DSM-IV |
300.3 | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder | DSM-IV |
300.4 | Dysthymic Disorder | DSM-IV |
300.6 | Depersonalization Disorder | DSM-IV |
300.7 | Body Dysmorphic Disorder | DSM-IV |
300.7 | Hypochondriasis | DSM-IV |
300.81 | Somatization Disorder | DSM-IV |
300.81 | Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder | DSM-IV |
300.81 | Somatoform Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
300.9 | Unspecified Mental Disorder (nonpsychotic) | DSM-IV |
301.0 | Paranoid Personality Disorder | DSM-IV |
301.13 | Cyclothymic Disorder | DSM-IV |
301.20 | Schizoid Personality Disorder | DSM-IV |
301.22 | Schizotypal Personality Disorder | DSM-IV |
301.4 | Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder | DSM-IV |
301.50 | Histrionic Personality Disorder | DSM-IV |
301.6 | Dependent Personality Disorder | DSM-IV |
301.7 | Antisocial Personality Disorder | DSM-IV |
301.81 | Narcissistic Personality Disorder | DSM-IV |
301.82 | Avoidant Personality Disorder | DSM-IV |
301.83 | Borderline Personality Disorder | DSM-IV |
301.9 | Personality Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
302.2 | Pedophilia | DSM-IV |
302.3 | Transvestic Fetishism | DSM-IV |
302.4 | Exhibitionism | DSM-IV |
302.6 | Gender Identity Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
302.6 | Gender Identity Disorder in Children or Gender Identity Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
302.70 | Sexual Dysfunction NOS | DSM-IV |
302.71 | Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder | DSM-IV |
302.72 | Female Sexual Arousal Disorder | DSM-IV |
302.72 | Male Erectile Disorder | DSM-IV |
302.73 | Female Orgasmic Disorder | DSM-IV |
302.74 | Male Orgasmic Disorder | DSM-IV |
302.75 | Premature Ejaculation | DSM-IV |
302.76 | Dyspareunia (Not Due to a General Medical Condition) | DSM-IV |
302.79 | Sexual Aversion Disorder | DSM-IV |
302.81 | Fetishism | DSM-IV |
302.82 | Voyeurism | DSM-IV |
302.83 | Sexual Masochism | DSM-IV |
302.84 | Sexual Sadism | DSM-IV |
302.85 | Gender Identity Disorder in Adolescents or Adults | DSM-IV |
302.89 | Frotteurism | DSM-IV |
302.9 | Sexual Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
302.9 | Paraphilia NOS | DSM-IV |
303.00 | Alcohol Intoxication | DSM-IV |
303.90 | Alcohol Dependence | DSM-IV |
304.00 | Opioid Dependence | DSM-IV |
304.10 | Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependence | DSM-IV |
304.20 | Cocaine Dependence | DSM-IV |
304.30 | Cannabis Dependence | DSM-IV |
304.40 | Amphetamine Dependence | DSM-IV |
304.50 | Hallucinogen Dependence | DSM-IV |
304.60 | Inhalant Dependence | DSM-IV |
304.80 | Polysubstance Dependence | DSM-IV |
304.90 | Phencyclidine Dependence | DSM-IV |
304.90 | Other (or Unknown) Substance Dependence | DSM-IV |
305.00 | Alcohol Abuse | DSM-IV |
305.10 | Nicotine Dependence | DSM-IV |
305.20 | Cannabis Abuse | DSM-IV |
305.30 | Hallucinogen Abuse | DSM-IV |
305.40 | Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Abuse | DSM-IV |
305.50 | Opioid Abuse | DSM-IV |
305.60 | Cocaine Abuse | DSM-IV |
305.70 | Amphetamine Abuse | DSM-IV |
305.90 | Phencyclidine Abuse | DSM-IV |
305.90 | Inhalant Abuse | DSM-IV |
305.90 | Other (or Unknown) Substance Abuse | DSM-IV |
306.51 | Vaginismus (Not Due to a General Medical Condition) | DSM-IV |
307.0 | Stuttering | DSM-IV |
307.1 | Anorexia Nervosa | DSM-IV |
307.20 | Tic Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
307.21 | Transient Tic Disorder | DSM-IV |
307.22 | Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder | DSM-IV |
307.23 | Tourette's Disorder | DSM-IV |
307.3 | Stereotypic Movement Disorder | DSM-IV |
307.42 | Primary Insomnia | DSM-IV |
307.42 | Insomnia Related to [General Medical Condition] | DSM-IV |
307.44 | Primary Hypersomnia | DSM-IV |
307.44 | Hypersomnia Related to [General Medical Condition] | DSM-IV |
307.45 | Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder | DSM-IV |
307.46 | Sleep Terror Disorder | DSM-IV |
307.46 | Sleepwalking Disorder | DSM-IV |
307.47 | Dyssomnia NOS | DSM-IV |
307.47 | Nightmare Disorder | DSM-IV |
307.47 | Parasomnia NOS | DSM-IV |
307.50 | Eating Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
307.51 | Bulimia Nervosa | DSM-IV |
307.52 | Pica | DSM-IV |
307.53 | Rumination Disorder | DSM-IV |
307.59 | Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood | DSM-IV |
307.6 | Enuresis (Not Due to a General Medical Condition) | DSM-IV |
307.7 | Encopresis Without Constipation and Overflow Incontinence | DSM-IV |
307.80 | Pain Disorder Associated With Psychological Factors | DSM-IV |
307.89 | Pain Disorder Associated With Both Psychological Factors and a General Medical Condition | DSM-IV |
307.9 | Communication Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
308.3 | Acute Stress Disorder | DSM-IV |
309.0 | Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood | DSM-IV |
309.21 | Separation Anxiety Disorder | DSM-IV |
309.24 | Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety | DSM-IV |
309.28 | Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood | DSM-IV |
309.3 | Adjustment Disorder With Disturbance of Conduct | DSM-IV |
309.4 | Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct | DSM-IV |
309.81 | Posttraumatic Stress Disorder | DSM-IV |
309.9 | Adjustment Disorder Unspecified | DSM-IV |
310.1 | Personality Disorder Due to General Medical Condition | DSM-IV |
311 | Depressive Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
312.30 | Impulse-Control Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
312.31 | Pathological Gambling | DSM-IV |
312.32 | Kleptomania | DSM-IV |
312.33 | Pyromania | DSM-IV |
312.34 | Intermittent Explosive Disorder | DSM-IV |
312.39 | Trichotillomania | DSM-IV |
312.8 | Conduct Disorder | DSM-IV |
312.81 | Oppositional Defiant Disorder | DSM-IV |
312.9 | Disruptive Behavior Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
313.23 | Selective Mutism | DSM-IV |
313.81 | Oppositional Defiant Disorder | DSM-IV |
313.82 | Identity Problem | DSM-IV |
313.89 | Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood | DSM-IV |
313.9 | Disorder of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence NOS | DSM-IV |
314.00 | Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly Inattentive Type | DSM-IV |
314.01 | Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type | DSM-IV |
314.01 | Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly hyperactive-Impulsive Type | DSM-IV |
314.9 | Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
315.00 | Reading Disorder | DSM-IV |
315.1 | Mathematics Disorder | DSM-IV |
315.2 | Disorder of Written Expression | DSM-IV |
315.31 | Expressive Language Disorder | DSM-IV |
315.31 | Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder | DSM-IV |
315.39 | Phonological Disorder | DSM-IV |
315.4 | Developmental Coordination Disorder | DSM-IV |
315.9 | Learning Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
316 | Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition | DSM-IV |
317 | Mild mental retardation | DSM-IV |
318.0 | Moderate Mental Retardation | DSM-IV |
318.1 | Severe Mental Retardation | DSM-IV |
318.2 | Profound Mental Retardation | DSM-IV |
319 | Mental Retardation, Severity Unspecified | DSM-IV |
332.1 | Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism | DSM-IV |
333.1 | Medication-Induced Postural Tremor | DSM-IV |
333.7 | Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia | DSM-IV |
333.82 | Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia | DSM-IV |
333.90 | Medication-Induced Movement Disorder NOS | DSM-IV |
333.92 | Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome | DSM-IV |
333.99 | Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia | DSM-IV |
347 | Narcolepsy | DSM-IV |
607.84 | Male Erectile Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition] | DSM-IV |
608.89 | Male Dyspareunia Due to [General Medical Condition] | DSM-IV |
608.89 | Other Male Sexual Dysfunction Due to [General Medical Condition] | DSM-IV |
608.89 | Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition] | DSM-IV |
625.0 | Female Dyspareunia Due to [General Medical Condition] | DSM-IV |
625.8 | Other Female Sexual Dysfunction Due to [General Medical Condition] | DSM-IV |
625.8 | Female Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition] | DSM-IV |
780.09 | Delirium NOS | DSM-IV |
780.52 | Sleep Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], Insomnia Type | DSM-IV |
780.54 | Sleep Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], Hypersomnia Type | DSM-IV |
780.59 | Sleep Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], Parasomnia | DSM-IV |
780.59 | Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder | DSM-IV |
780.59 | Sleep Disorder Due to [General Medical Condition], Mixed Type | DSM-IV |
780.9 | Age-Related Cognitive Decline | DSM-IV |
787.6 | Encopresis, With Constipation and Overflow Incontinence | DSM-IV |
799.9 | Diagnosis or Condition Deferred on Axis I or Diagnosis Deferred on Axis II | DSM-IV |
995.2 | Adverse Effects of Medication NOS | DSM-IV |
995.5 | Neglect of Child (if focus of attention is on victim) | DSM-IV |
995.5 | Sexual abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) | DSM-IV |
995.5 | Physical abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim) | DSM-IV |
995.81 | Physical abuse of adult (if focus of attention is on victim) | DSM-IV |
995.81 | Sexual abuse of adult (if focus of attention is on victim) | DSM-IV |
V15.81 | Noncompliance With Treatment | DSM-IV |
V61.1 | Partner Relational Problem | DSM-IV |
V61.1 | Physical or Sexual Abuse of Adult | DSM-IV |
V61.20 | Parent-Child Relational Problem | DSM-IV |
V61.21 | Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child | DSM-IV |
V61.8 | Sibling Relational Problem | DSM-IV |
V61.9 | Relational Problem Related to [a Mental Disorder or General Medical Condition] | DSM-IV |
V62.2 | Occupational Problem | DSM-IV |
V62.3 | Academic Problem | DSM-IV |
V62.4 | Acculturation Problem | DSM-IV |
V62.81 | Relational Problem NOS | DSM-IV |
V62.82 | Bereavement | DSM-IV |
V62.89 | Phase of Life Problem | DSM-IV |
V62.89 | Religious or Spiritual Problem | DSM-IV |
V62.89 | Borderline Intellectual Functioning | DSM-IV |
V65.2 | Malingering | DSM-IV |
V71.01 | Adult Antisocial Behavior | DSM-IV |
V71.02 | Child or Adolescent Antisocial Behavior | DSM-IV |
V71.09 | No Diagnosis or Condition on Axis I or Axis II | DSM-IV |